Smart Marketing Choices as per the Requirement Now

Smart Marketing Choices as per the Requirement Now

We continue to be asked whether using Google Ads also improves our ranking in organic, organic search results. The answer is no and this is confirmed by Google. A precondition for ranking in Google’s search results is that the site is built according to Google’s recommendations and is stronger than its competitors. So search engine optimization is no secret. From the google ads agency you can have the best deals.

Search engine optimization is just a technical change to a website

Performing a comprehensive search engine optimization also involves technical optimization measures, but doing them alone will hardly produce the results you want. Search engine optimization also focuses on producing quality content, an effective linking strategy, and a website user experience.

The amount of external links alone affects search engine optimization

Updates to Google’s algorithm have given every website a rating that measures its value. The rating is based on how many external links the site has and the rating that the linked sites have. Nowadays, optimization focuses on increasing the number of referral domains, or sets of sites, rather than individual links, while also ensuring that the values ​​of the pages being linked are good enough to improve the value of the site to be optimized.

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Search engine discovery alone guarantees an increase in traffic

Studies show that the first three results in search results get the most clicks. Even if you are in the top three, you may not increase your site traffic. If you have optimized your site for a keyword that is not searchable or unrelated to your business, it is pointless to wait for traffic. It’s important to do a thorough keyword analysis before you start your search engine optimization and to choose the exact words you want to optimize. It is also important to make sure that your search results are attractive. To edit the title and meta description of your page.

Metadata improves search engine discoverability

There is still a myth that Google values ​​meta keywords and meta description content in search engine optimization. The use of meta keywords has long since ceased, and in 2009 Google announced that the meta description field no longer has any value in the optimization sense. Nonetheless, as stated above, a good meta description improves CTR in organic search results.

The keyword should always be used in its basic form

Google has improved its semantics in recent years. This means that RankBrain, used by Google, understands placeholders and forms of inflection – even in Finnish. With the advancement of semantics, we can write a natural text for pages to be optimized and Google will bundle all inflection forms behind a single theme to optimize.

All content about the keyword should be on one landing page

Along with algorithm updates, Google has also begun to prioritize site entities rather than individual pages. As a result, Google estimates how important a site’s theme is when evaluating the site as a whole. This enables the use of so-called support content. You can provide more information about the theme you have optimized, for example on your blog, to produce more content with a lighter structure.

The more pages, the better

Some people still seem to think that site size has a significant impact on search engine optimization.