The online course is one of the most effective ways of learning

The online course is one of the most effective ways of learning

Distance learning, e-learning, online training, is a form of teaching information which takes place on the internet only, in this online course the variety of media elements like graphics, videos, audios, website links are provided as a source of information, these all can be accessed through the internet by the learner.

The online training courses present materials, contents, this training gives the learners chance to interact with the trainers, and clear the doubts, also help them to have an immediate review of the class. It helps the trainers to conduct the tests and quizzes to get a real-time evaluation of the learner’s observation.

Interaction between the trainer and learner:

The learners can interact with the instructors via an online, the ways are through chats,                 e-mail, video call… and other online-based communication ways. This training is modified and self-paced to suit entity-specific learning requirements. And online training can be done at any place and time, given to all the places where there is a computer system with high-speed internet access. The training given is suitable for the day-to-day schedule of every leaners, there is also a facility that if he is unable to attend the live session, he can watch it later as a video because the learner uploads his every class after the session ends.

Basic computer skills:

To get online training, one should have a basic knowledge of computers. Also, he must know how to operate the computer parts, also how to open the files and documents, how to use the mouse, how to make calls through the internet, and learners without basic knowledge about the computer may have trouble attending the online pieces of training.


According to the educationalists, there are three types of basic education,

  • Formal education
  • Informal education
  • Non-formal education

Formal education: Formal education refers to the education given by an institution, and the various institutions refer to schools, universities, colleges…special institutions are established to provide special courses. The education system consists of the syllabus, curriculum, time table, teachers, classrooms and these are the essential aspects of formal education. The school education is divided into three types like primary, secondary, and tertiary. This school level education is based on the social, political, economic factors of a country. The pre-planned syllabus and topics should be given to the learners within a particular time. The education achievement of the students evaluated by examinations. Awarding ranks and providing certificates are the common feature of an educational system.


Informal education: Informal education is one of the traditional methods of teaching, this form is education takes place in outer classrooms. The informal education is almost unintentional, the child learns so many things from her friends, family, relatives, and the environment. There are no ranks, awards, certificates are provided in this form of education. But it makes more effect on the life of a child.

Non-formal education: It is an education for the children, adults who are for some reason drop out from the school, it includes vocational and professional education, agriculture, lifelong learning, etc., the place of education may be the temple, community centers, and school buildings after school hours or in vacation.